Feira do Prato Falante Lisboa
5 and 6 December 2023
Photography: Filipa Pinto da Silva
Graphic Design: Filipa Pinto da Silva
At the Feira do Prato Falante (Pop-up of Talking Plates), I presented a set of talking plates by Alquimista Ceramics, Aramy Machry, Henriette Arcelin, Hunchback Society, Isa Toledo, Madi & Cécile Mestelan, Margarida Fabrica, Mariana a Miserável, Tasha Levytska, Studio Bongard and Mestre Xico Tarefa.
The Pop-up also featured four talking desserts by Chef Ana Raminhos.
With the theme of talking plates, the opportunity arose to collaborate for the first time with anthropologist Maria Manuela Restivo on a joint publication. She researched the history of the talking plates in Portugal and we gathered some examples found in private collections, alongside the pieces made exclusively for the exhibition.
The collaboration resulted in the book Pratos Falantes, which we hope will help to spread the word about this funny universe.