Feira da Fruteira
26 and 27 May 2023
Photography: Matilde Travassos
Graphic Design: Afonso Almeida
An object to celebrate spring: the fruit bowl. In this pop-up I bring together the works of 15 artists, who I challenged to create ceramic, glass and painting pieces.
I had the pleasure to present in the patio of my studio, new works by Albert Tannat, Aramy Machry, Atelier Champ, Diana Barbosa, Estudio Torto, Henriette Arcelin, Hunchback Society, João Abel Mota, Leonel Telo, Maria Emília Araújo, Maud Téphany, Mestre Xico Tarefa, Paulo Sellmayer, Studio Bongard and Zita Sousa.