‘Our aim in this publication is not to suggest yet another interpretation of the collecting phenomenon (...). Our proposal is less ambitious but, we hope, not irrelevant: we want to contribute to the knowledge of private collections in the Portuguese context, especially those centred around popular art and handicrafts.
On the one hand, we will try to publicise the vast array of works in private collections, since it is precisely there that some of the most interesting objects can be found, both for their aesthetic qualities and their rarity. These collections, by their nature, rarely leave the domestic spaces of their owners, and it is particularly important to spread the word about them.’

Maria Manuela Restivo is an anthropologist, researcher and independent curator working in the field of vernacular and popular artistic practices. Her PhD centred on the narratives surrounding popular art in Portugal. She has worked as a consultant for various public and private organisations, while developing texts, projects and exhibitions around vernacular artistic practices.

Felipa Almeida is dedicated to researching, publicising and preserving art and craft objects made in Portugal. She works in collaboration with artists and craftspeople, as well as traditional factories, developing projects that celebrate culture, heritage and ancient craft techniques. She curates exhibitions, bespoke projects and collections, and promotes themed pop-ups challenging artists to create unique pieces on a theme. She has a degree in Art History, Curatorial Studies and History of Design.

Co-ordinated by Felipa Almeida and Maria Manuela Restivo
Published by Casa do Vinhal / Estúdio do Alhures and Felipa Almeida
120 pages. In Portuguese.
17.5 x 25 cm

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